North American Curly Horse Registry
The NACHR is a division of ICHO for the purpose of registering Curly horses and tracking their pedigrees. The North American Curly Horse Registry was formed for the purpose of promoting and Registering the Dominant Gene Curly Horse that has been found in the Americas for over 200 years. As the intent of the ICHO has been one of continuing research to solve the many mysteries of the Curly horse, we have committed ourselves to registering all "curly Horses" as well as creating a division for straight haired horses that are the product of one of two dominant curly parents. This commitment also includes a division for the registration of Recessive Curly haired horses. Our geneticists assure us that the dominant and recessive gene horses are not the same animal. We have created this Recessive Division for continuing education in the similarities that do exist in animals with curly coats. These horses will not be identified as North American Curly Horses but as Recessive Curlies in their own division. We know some mixing of recessive and dominant Curly genes were done many years ago when breeders did not understand the different gene types of Curly haired horses, but we do not advise the mixing of gene types. The registry keeps the divisions separate in ICHO/NACHR.
Sheryl D'Uva Registrar
Jackie Richardson Registrar Advisor
Registrar issues registration certificates, transfers, DNA results, keep records of all NACHR services and paperwork. Director of NACHR. For questions please contact the office- [email protected]
New e-File Registration- you may send all registration forms and photos by email. Then send hair sample and DNA form by postal mail. Go here for directions- eFile Registration
Jackie Richardson Registrar Advisor
Registrar issues registration certificates, transfers, DNA results, keep records of all NACHR services and paperwork. Director of NACHR. For questions please contact the office- [email protected]
New e-File Registration- you may send all registration forms and photos by email. Then send hair sample and DNA form by postal mail. Go here for directions- eFile Registration
NACHR Fees effective June 16, 2021
Make check or money order payable to: ICHO
Send all forms and fees to:
ICHO c/o 322 Tulie Gate Rd, Tularosa, NM 88352
Send all forms and fees to:
ICHO c/o 322 Tulie Gate Rd, Tularosa, NM 88352
$35.00___DNA U of KY $10.00___Recording DNA from other Lab $10.00___Transfer w/initial registration $20.00___Transfer of Ownership $50.00___Breeders Designation $20.00___Late Stallion Report $10.00___Certificate Change/Update $20.00___Duplicate Certificate $10.00___Lease Filing Fee $50.00___Certificate Name Change $10.00___Association Seal $35.00___Non Member Fee $0.00____Death Notice, no fee $5.00____ACHA horse registration $188.00__Registration/DNA/Genetic Panel |
Use Registration Form
Use U of KY DNA Form Request manual entry DNA form Use Transfer Form /Reg fees apply Use Transfer Form/previously registered Use Breeders Designation Form Stallion Reports received after Feb 15th Certificate Change Form (color, photo, etc) Duplicate form, Contact Registrar first Use Lease Filing Form Contact Registrar for qualifications Contact Registrar Applies to Registrations, transfers, DNA Send in Certificate, Cert will be returned Send in original ACHA certificate, 4 view photos, hair sample or DNA report & receive ICHO/NACHR certificate |
~ Fees are Non Refundable ~
Canada and International payments use online Payment or send money order in
US dollars drawn on a USA bank. We no longer accept Canadian Postal Money Orders. Make all money orders payable to ICHO Thank You
US dollars drawn on a USA bank. We no longer accept Canadian Postal Money Orders. Make all money orders payable to ICHO Thank You
NACHR Divisions and Requirements
Criteria: coat &/or pedigree.
Divisions: One of these: D, S, R, R/D or U, will be in each curly horse's registration number. Each Division is separate.
D Dominant (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR D Division:
1) Horse MUST show reasonable degree and size area of natural curl (not a result of illness) in its dry winter body coat. and/or
2) Horse MUST have been Curly Coat gene tested for KRT25 and or SP6.
3) Horse SHOULD also show definite curl (spirals, twisting) in its mane (if long enough length), curl in its fetlocks, curled eyelashes, and curled whiskers, often have curls inside ears, above and beyond what is sometimes seen in straight horse breeds. Shedding of mane, breakage &/or shedding of hair on tail-head, or short tail length, can also be indicative of a dominant curly gene. Horse may be hypoallergenic. These traits are listed here because they are typical, and can help establish & corroborate the presence of, or lack of, reasonable doubt.
4) Hardship Clause: Any horse not displaying the Curly Horse characteristics listed above beyond a reasonable doubt - in order to be registered in the D Division - must test positive for either KRT25 or SP6..
5) A BLM branded Curly Horse that tests positive for KRT25 will be placed into the D Division with no hardship required.
6) At this time, if both parents of a horse are known to be straight coated, the horse is not eligible in the D Division (See S division). When parentage is known, the horse must be a product of at least one dominant gene curly parent for D division.
S Smooth Coated Curly Horse
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR S Division:
1) Horse does not qualify for registration in the D Division, (Does not show curly coat and tests negative for KRT25 and SP6) and
2) Horse has one parent (or both) that qualifies for registration in the D Division.
3) Limited breeding of two S generation registered horses allowed. See below PDF for requirements.
R Recessive (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR R Division:
1) Horse displays an indisputable degree of curl (not a result of illness) over most or all of its (dry) winter body coat. Horse may be hypoallergenic. And
2) Horse is produced by 2 known straight haired other breed parents.
R / D Dominant (gene) + Recessive (gene) Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR R/D Division:
1) Horse has 1 parent that is a known dominant gene Curly and
2) Horse has 1 parent that is a known recessive gene Curly Horse, or, known to carry the recessive curly gene.
3) If indisputable proof develops later that an R/D designated horse carries only one or the other Curly gene, the horse will then transfer to that respective Division.
Note: ICHO/NACHR will register horses that are R/D breeding, but does not recommend the practice of mating recessive and dominant gene horses together until a test is developed to differentiate between the 2 genes.
U Unknown (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR U Division:
1) Horse is indisputably Curly coated, but the gene of action is unknown, usually due to unknown parent(s) or has tested negative for KRT25 and SP6.
2) A neutered horse would remain in this division unless genetic tested for Curly Coat Gene/s, a breeding horse could transfer to D division if they tested positive for KRT25 or SP6 or go to R Division after producing enough foals to identify the mode of recessive Curl inheritance.
UD Unknown Dominant (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR UD Division:
The Curly coated horse has proven a dominant gene transmission when bred to straight haired horses and tests negative for KRT25 and SP6. The unknown curly coat gene is not isolated. Examples are the Cook gene, Sulphur Mustang gene, Argentina curly gene, Unknown Gene "a", unknown mustang gene, various unknown curly pony genes,etc. A letter of origin maybe added to UD horses, an example is UDC - Unknown Dominant Cook gene.
NACHR Division eligibility & assignment is determined by the NACHR Registrar on a case by case basis, who may consult with ICHO Executive Board when there is doubt. The resolving of any doubt and the burden of proof is upon the applicant. Until such time as a genetic test for dominant curl becomes available, ICHO/NACHR Registrar & ICHO Executive Board reserve the right to make the final determination of whether a horse is approved as carrying the dominant Curly gene beyond reasonable doubt. A horse that is shown to be hypoallergenic can help distinguish it from a non-curly horse, but being hypoallergenic cannot help distinguish between dominant and recessive Curly Horses. Any horse placed other than and denied into the D Division is welcome to re-apply for D Division registration again after 1 year has elapsed from date of the last denied application. An appeal process is available.
Criteria: coat &/or pedigree.
Divisions: One of these: D, S, R, R/D or U, will be in each curly horse's registration number. Each Division is separate.
D Dominant (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR D Division:
1) Horse MUST show reasonable degree and size area of natural curl (not a result of illness) in its dry winter body coat. and/or
2) Horse MUST have been Curly Coat gene tested for KRT25 and or SP6.
3) Horse SHOULD also show definite curl (spirals, twisting) in its mane (if long enough length), curl in its fetlocks, curled eyelashes, and curled whiskers, often have curls inside ears, above and beyond what is sometimes seen in straight horse breeds. Shedding of mane, breakage &/or shedding of hair on tail-head, or short tail length, can also be indicative of a dominant curly gene. Horse may be hypoallergenic. These traits are listed here because they are typical, and can help establish & corroborate the presence of, or lack of, reasonable doubt.
4) Hardship Clause: Any horse not displaying the Curly Horse characteristics listed above beyond a reasonable doubt - in order to be registered in the D Division - must test positive for either KRT25 or SP6..
5) A BLM branded Curly Horse that tests positive for KRT25 will be placed into the D Division with no hardship required.
6) At this time, if both parents of a horse are known to be straight coated, the horse is not eligible in the D Division (See S division). When parentage is known, the horse must be a product of at least one dominant gene curly parent for D division.
S Smooth Coated Curly Horse
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR S Division:
1) Horse does not qualify for registration in the D Division, (Does not show curly coat and tests negative for KRT25 and SP6) and
2) Horse has one parent (or both) that qualifies for registration in the D Division.
3) Limited breeding of two S generation registered horses allowed. See below PDF for requirements.
R Recessive (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR R Division:
1) Horse displays an indisputable degree of curl (not a result of illness) over most or all of its (dry) winter body coat. Horse may be hypoallergenic. And
2) Horse is produced by 2 known straight haired other breed parents.
R / D Dominant (gene) + Recessive (gene) Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR R/D Division:
1) Horse has 1 parent that is a known dominant gene Curly and
2) Horse has 1 parent that is a known recessive gene Curly Horse, or, known to carry the recessive curly gene.
3) If indisputable proof develops later that an R/D designated horse carries only one or the other Curly gene, the horse will then transfer to that respective Division.
Note: ICHO/NACHR will register horses that are R/D breeding, but does not recommend the practice of mating recessive and dominant gene horses together until a test is developed to differentiate between the 2 genes.
U Unknown (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR U Division:
1) Horse is indisputably Curly coated, but the gene of action is unknown, usually due to unknown parent(s) or has tested negative for KRT25 and SP6.
2) A neutered horse would remain in this division unless genetic tested for Curly Coat Gene/s, a breeding horse could transfer to D division if they tested positive for KRT25 or SP6 or go to R Division after producing enough foals to identify the mode of recessive Curl inheritance.
UD Unknown Dominant (gene) Curly Horse Division
Eligibility Requirements to register a horse in the NACHR UD Division:
The Curly coated horse has proven a dominant gene transmission when bred to straight haired horses and tests negative for KRT25 and SP6. The unknown curly coat gene is not isolated. Examples are the Cook gene, Sulphur Mustang gene, Argentina curly gene, Unknown Gene "a", unknown mustang gene, various unknown curly pony genes,etc. A letter of origin maybe added to UD horses, an example is UDC - Unknown Dominant Cook gene.
NACHR Division eligibility & assignment is determined by the NACHR Registrar on a case by case basis, who may consult with ICHO Executive Board when there is doubt. The resolving of any doubt and the burden of proof is upon the applicant. Until such time as a genetic test for dominant curl becomes available, ICHO/NACHR Registrar & ICHO Executive Board reserve the right to make the final determination of whether a horse is approved as carrying the dominant Curly gene beyond reasonable doubt. A horse that is shown to be hypoallergenic can help distinguish it from a non-curly horse, but being hypoallergenic cannot help distinguish between dominant and recessive Curly Horses. Any horse placed other than and denied into the D Division is welcome to re-apply for D Division registration again after 1 year has elapsed from date of the last denied application. An appeal process is available.
Limited Breeding of S (Smooth Coat) Division horses
We are allowing two generations of registered Smooth Coat Bred (SB) horses to be registered in ICHO Smooth Coat Division. The Division notation will be SB1 or SB2 depending on the breeding generation. Please read requirements below.

sb_breeding_option_for_s_division_horses.pdf | |
File Size: | 878 kb |
File Type: |
DNA Requirements
NEW DNA REQUIREMENT for ALL newly Registered Curly horses in 2018 and all future years, all horses must be DNA typed. Geldings are excluded if you desire, you may DNA test geldings if you wish. ICHO registered breeding Stallions and Breeding Mares are required to be DNA typed for offspring to be registered.
Stallions & Mares- All registered ICHO/NACHR stallions & mares used for breeding are required to be DNA typed. If your horse is already DNA tested thru another Lab or Registry, send a copy of the DNA report and pay the Submit Other Lab/Registry DNA fee of $10.00.
DNA testing thru ICHO and UKY is $35.00.
All active breeding ICHO/NACHR stallions, starting in the breeding year 2012 and all future years, are required to be DNA typed and DNA reports submitted to ICHO when breeding stallion reports are due by Feb 15, starting in 2013 and all years after. This ensures all active breeding stallions have DNA markers in the U of KY database so future parentage testing can be achieved when needed.
2015 and all years after, all active breeding registered ICHO/NACHR MARES must be DNA tested when confirmed in foal
DNA reports from other labs that are not from U of KY. If your active breeding stallion has been DNA typed in another lab (ex. UC Davis, TX A&M, etc) ICHO does accept other lab DNA reports with a $10.00 recording fee.
DNA Requirements: "As of January 1, 2018 any horse being registered with ICHO/NACHR must be DNA tested or have DNA testing markers from another lab or registry that can be recorded in the ICHO DNA database.
Coat Gene Testing Requirement Feb 15. 2024 and after- Newly registered Curly Coated horses must be Coat Gene tested.
2015 and all years after, all active breeding registered ICHO/NACHR MARES must be DNA tested when confirmed in foal
DNA reports from other labs that are not from U of KY. If your active breeding stallion has been DNA typed in another lab (ex. UC Davis, TX A&M, etc) ICHO does accept other lab DNA reports with a $10.00 recording fee.
DNA Requirements: "As of January 1, 2018 any horse being registered with ICHO/NACHR must be DNA tested or have DNA testing markers from another lab or registry that can be recorded in the ICHO DNA database.
Coat Gene Testing Requirement Feb 15. 2024 and after- Newly registered Curly Coated horses must be Coat Gene tested.
North American Curly Horse Registry Brochure
North American Curly Horse Breed Standard
download breed standard
Keeping Horse Records Tips
Download this doc for tips on getting organized with your horse records

keeping_horse_records.doc | |
File Size: | 55 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Check LIST for Registrations and Transfers |
Print this Check List for an easy guide/form for sending your completed paperwork for registrations and transfers.
*Registrations require: Reg form pg 1 & 2 completely type in all info, for all sections. We are now requesting ALL registration forms be typed then printed.
Incomplete submissions will not be processed until all data and items are submitted.
Breeding Certificate must be signed by the mare and stallion owner and dates of breeding on pg 2, (exception- if your horse is registered in another registry, a copy of that registration is required to verify breeder, BLM adopted and unknown Curlies exempt)
4 photo views (front, rear, right & left sides) photos must be printed on photo paper, a DNA sample & form, or DNA report (other lab DNA reports accepted and require a $10.00 recording fee). Geldings are not required to be DNA typed.
Copies of other registry certificates horse is registered in are required.
If you *bought this horse* you also need a transfer form signed by the seller.
Pedigree area- Send a copy of the parents registration certificates for accurate pedigree documentation. If you do not have them, you must fill in the Pedigree completely with Reg name, reg#, COLOR and if Curly coated with a *
Fees paid online before paperwork is sent or check or money order sent with paperwork.
Include a copy of your payment with registration application.
*Transfers require: ICHO Transfer form completely filled out and signed by seller, date of sale and the original certificate and fees. Buyers that are registering and transferring at the same time, also need a transfer form.
*Breeder's Selling an unregistered Curly: See Breeders Info page. Breeders are the first owner if the Curly is born on your farm. If you sell an unregistered Curly, the new owner will need a Breeding Certificate form signed from you and a signed transfer form showing a legal change of ownership. This is so the new owner can get the Curly ICHO/NACHR registered in their name. We require breeding verification and change of ownership verification with signature's and dates. You may use the breeding certificate on page two of the registration papers or use the Breeding Certificate long form. Buyer's want registered horses, you can make the experience easy and smooth by selling registered horses and/or providing all necessary paperwork at the time of the sale. Buyer's remember if it was an easy process or a difficult one, so do all you can to make it a smooth transaction and have all your paperwork in order at the time of sale so new owner can register and/or transfer their Curly. *As a breeder/seller it is your responsibility to provide all necessary documentation and signatures to the new owner, so this horse you are selling can be registered and transferred. Have your paperwork in order when horse is sold, always provide a Sales Contract/Bill of Sale and cash receipt for sale price.
IMPORTS/ EXPORTS- Sellers- be sure you are exporting Curlies that are already registered before the sale to overseas buyers. Buyers- be sure all your imported horses are already registered before purchase and quarantine and import or you may have to pay a penalty for late paperwork. Do not buy unregistered horses for import. Be sure all details are done before the purchase. Ask the seller to show you the actual registration certificate before purchase. Be sure the seller gives you the registration certificate at the time of payment and a signed/dated bill of sale and signed/dated completed transfer of ownership form. These must be given to you at all sales of registered Curly horses.
"Do you have horses for sale and would like to entertain an overseas buyer? Then you should know that the horse needs to have it's original registration certificate with it when it goes into the 30 day pre-export quarantine. No copies, no pending registrations. Get your horses registered early so you don't have to turn a buyer away. Remember also a horse that is not listed for sale may attract a potential buyer.
ICHO requests that a complete registration application must be submitted at least 4 months before quarantine starts. There is a $300.00 penalty per registration application if submitted too late for quarantine and export requirements.
The ICHO office must be contacted prior to the submission of the registration application for export, to ensure that the application is complete and can be processed in the actual time frame in each case for import/export horses."
Incomplete Paperwork Policy: When any Registration Application or Transfer is submitted to the office, and is missing any item, it is incomplete. You will be notified by the office or registrar of the missing items. You will have 90 days USA, and 120 days Canada and International grace period to supply the missing item/s. If they are not supplied in the grace period, your paperwork will go to a dead file and will not be processed. Fees are non refundable. The best way to avoid incomplete paperwork is use the check list before sending and use the NEW Fill In forms. We request all submissions to be typed for easy reading. Please email the office with any questions before submitting your paperwork. Thank You!
Incomplete submissions will not be processed until all data and items are submitted.
Breeding Certificate must be signed by the mare and stallion owner and dates of breeding on pg 2, (exception- if your horse is registered in another registry, a copy of that registration is required to verify breeder, BLM adopted and unknown Curlies exempt)
4 photo views (front, rear, right & left sides) photos must be printed on photo paper, a DNA sample & form, or DNA report (other lab DNA reports accepted and require a $10.00 recording fee). Geldings are not required to be DNA typed.
Copies of other registry certificates horse is registered in are required.
If you *bought this horse* you also need a transfer form signed by the seller.
Pedigree area- Send a copy of the parents registration certificates for accurate pedigree documentation. If you do not have them, you must fill in the Pedigree completely with Reg name, reg#, COLOR and if Curly coated with a *
Fees paid online before paperwork is sent or check or money order sent with paperwork.
Include a copy of your payment with registration application.
*Transfers require: ICHO Transfer form completely filled out and signed by seller, date of sale and the original certificate and fees. Buyers that are registering and transferring at the same time, also need a transfer form.
*Breeder's Selling an unregistered Curly: See Breeders Info page. Breeders are the first owner if the Curly is born on your farm. If you sell an unregistered Curly, the new owner will need a Breeding Certificate form signed from you and a signed transfer form showing a legal change of ownership. This is so the new owner can get the Curly ICHO/NACHR registered in their name. We require breeding verification and change of ownership verification with signature's and dates. You may use the breeding certificate on page two of the registration papers or use the Breeding Certificate long form. Buyer's want registered horses, you can make the experience easy and smooth by selling registered horses and/or providing all necessary paperwork at the time of the sale. Buyer's remember if it was an easy process or a difficult one, so do all you can to make it a smooth transaction and have all your paperwork in order at the time of sale so new owner can register and/or transfer their Curly. *As a breeder/seller it is your responsibility to provide all necessary documentation and signatures to the new owner, so this horse you are selling can be registered and transferred. Have your paperwork in order when horse is sold, always provide a Sales Contract/Bill of Sale and cash receipt for sale price.
IMPORTS/ EXPORTS- Sellers- be sure you are exporting Curlies that are already registered before the sale to overseas buyers. Buyers- be sure all your imported horses are already registered before purchase and quarantine and import or you may have to pay a penalty for late paperwork. Do not buy unregistered horses for import. Be sure all details are done before the purchase. Ask the seller to show you the actual registration certificate before purchase. Be sure the seller gives you the registration certificate at the time of payment and a signed/dated bill of sale and signed/dated completed transfer of ownership form. These must be given to you at all sales of registered Curly horses.
"Do you have horses for sale and would like to entertain an overseas buyer? Then you should know that the horse needs to have it's original registration certificate with it when it goes into the 30 day pre-export quarantine. No copies, no pending registrations. Get your horses registered early so you don't have to turn a buyer away. Remember also a horse that is not listed for sale may attract a potential buyer.
ICHO requests that a complete registration application must be submitted at least 4 months before quarantine starts. There is a $300.00 penalty per registration application if submitted too late for quarantine and export requirements.
The ICHO office must be contacted prior to the submission of the registration application for export, to ensure that the application is complete and can be processed in the actual time frame in each case for import/export horses."
Incomplete Paperwork Policy: When any Registration Application or Transfer is submitted to the office, and is missing any item, it is incomplete. You will be notified by the office or registrar of the missing items. You will have 90 days USA, and 120 days Canada and International grace period to supply the missing item/s. If they are not supplied in the grace period, your paperwork will go to a dead file and will not be processed. Fees are non refundable. The best way to avoid incomplete paperwork is use the check list before sending and use the NEW Fill In forms. We request all submissions to be typed for easy reading. Please email the office with any questions before submitting your paperwork. Thank You!
Color Testing, Genetic disease testing, Performance & Gait gene testing and more in One Test! A Great deal!
Perfect for breeders and anyone that wants to know what their horses carry genetically. We highly recommend testing breeding Curlies.
Genetic Panel DNA form, near bottom of page- GENETIC DNA PANEL
Genetic Panel Payment: Genetic DNA Panel see current pricing
Perfect for breeders and anyone that wants to know what their horses carry genetically. We highly recommend testing breeding Curlies.
Genetic Panel DNA form, near bottom of page- GENETIC DNA PANEL
Genetic Panel Payment: Genetic DNA Panel see current pricing