Each category is separated out more in the manner of the USDF, USEF, and other horse organizations to build more credence for the show awards as each discipline is very much its own. The following rules proposed are much the same as any other show award given by the different horse organizations. This lays the ground work to build a stronger recognition and at some point become a participating organization for a USDF all breeds award along with ICHO’s show awards providing more credence to the registry as a whole and the curly breed.
All scores need to be sent in to the office no later than 30 days after the show, the last show results must be in the office no later than Dec 31. This is so the scoring and recording can be done in a timely fashion.
Use Show Award Application Form for:
Dressage-send in front page of score sheet with score, an average will be taken of al the tests at the end of the show year. Person needs to have at least 3 tests but can have more.
Endurance- Times and score will be sent in and again an average of all will be taken at the end of the show year.
Eventing- send in total score for the entire event, at least 3 scores necessary average taken for highest score.
Driving Dressage-front page of tests sent in and an average will be taken at the end of the year. At least 2 tests need to be done.
Combined Driving-Average taken of scores.
After your initial application has been submitted and payment $5.00 per horse per award catagory, you can then send copies of your score sheets thereafter, be sure horses name, ICHO/NACHR# and your name are included.
Type in this form below:

show_award_submission_form.doc | |
File Size: | 44 kb |
File Type: | doc |
All classes in 4H or All Open Shows- Place in class with points given by ICHO values listed on form, so a higher placing means more points. Similar to what is being done now.
Barrel Racing-Times of each race will be averaged together at the end of the year. At least 3 barrel races need to be done.
Cost for participating in each award area will remain at $5 per horse. Each horse needs to be a registered ICHO horse and Owner needs to be ICHO current member, if rider is not a member, Award goes to ICHO member horse owner.
Type in this form below for all 4H and Open shows:

show_pts_application_form.doc | |
File Size: | 51 kb |
File Type: | doc |
*NEW* Adult Scholarship
$250 dollars awarded to an ICHO member adult rider for having attended education clinics/lessons in any discipline on a registered curly horse. The purpose would be to strengthen the rider’s ability to best show the capabilities of a curly horse when competing in open breed competition. Those interested would need to apply by writing a small essay on how receiving this scholarship would help themselves, their horse, the breed as a whole and what have they done thus far to promote or improve themselves and horse in their chosen discipline. Support should be given to those who are not doing specific breed demos or parades but instead those who are competing against other breeds in open competition. Award money to help defray cost of attending these educational clinics/lessons for the year.
1 scholarship will be provided each year and if enough interest shown, fundraising will be done to increase this number.
Many of the riders/owners of the curly horse are adults who have begun showing again or for the first time in their life and are already working with individuals to strengthen their ability. They are not doing breed demos or parades but instead competing in open breed competitions in a specific discipline showing that the curly horse is just as capable as any other breed. We as owners already know the curly can do well against other Curlies but the general public still does not know or necessarily believe the breed has the ability to compete against all other breeds and do well. This scholarship fund will provide the support needed to move beyond breed demos and parades into the larger horse population stepping up the exposure of the curly horse increasing its sale ability and perception to the general public who are looking for and paying good money for safe capable horses.
Through this scholarship fund the ICHO will be able to show current ICHO members, riding their ICHO registered Curlies, that it is a registry that supports the efforts of its riders and horses in promoting the curly horse against other breeds. It will also be able to demonstrate that it is a forward thinking registry that is working to be as strong as many of the large horse organizations such as the USEF and USDF.
Type in the form below to apply:

andrea_schaap_adult_rider_scholarship_application_.doc | |
File Size: | 103 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Curly horses and young riders just seem to belong together. ICHO will
endeavor to try its best to help with that combination. Much hard work
and expense, learning new techniques and improving old ones are part
of the equestrian experience. We would like to enable and encourage
these young riders to feel comfortable and enjoy riding throughout
their adult lives.
Money is essential for the needed lessons to gain excellence in
preferred disciplines and ICHO would like to reward a young rider, and
sometimes two, who have shown great diligence and motivation with a
scholarship of $250 for those chosen. This award may be shared or
given individually to chosen applicants yearly. Winning the Sunny
Martin Young Rider Award would be helpful but not essential.
Eligibility Requirements for this award
Applicant must:
Be between the ages of 10 and 18, unless riding as a young rider in
the Sports Horse disciplines, the limit will then extend until the age of 21.
Meet application deadline:
Must be received in the ICHO office by
Oct. 15 for the present year award.
- Be a member of ICHO
- Gain your riding points on a registered NACHR horse.
- Have participated in a minimum of 4 shows yearly.
- Have a total of 25 points or more documented on the required points form.
- Know how to groom and present your horse for the show ring and
- have this documented by a photograph and parent’s signature.
- Write an essay of 150 words or more describing your awareness of
- the Curly Horse as your partner and what you have gained from
- this experience.
- Spend at least 4 hours helping with shows, volunteering with breed
- demonstrations, or assisting with outside equine presentations.
- Please document and have signed.
- Give a short summary of how and why this scholarship would be
- beneficial to you. Include your equine goals for the future.

sunny_martin_young_rider_scholarship_app.pdf | |
File Size: | 87 kb |
File Type: |

breed_promotion_form_.doc | |
File Size: | 30 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Show Award Winners see photos click here
2019 ICHO Show Awards- Congratulations!
Julia Hoffman Youth Award
Sheryl D'Uva Adult Scholarship
Andrea Schaap Adult Scholarship Award- Sheryl D'Uva #386
Sunny Martin Jr Scholarship Award- Kendahl D'Uva #650 Jr
Cowboy Dressage Grand Champion- Chrisinda Grant #736
Andrea Schaap Scholarship Award: Sheryl D'Uva #386
Sunny Martin Jr Scholarship Award : Kendahl D'Uva #650 Jr
Jr. Show Grand Champion award: Kendahl D'Uva #650 Jr
Cowboy Dressage Grand Champion- Chrisinda Grant #736
Eventing Grand Champion- Liz Mattke #397
Grand Champion Youth Rider- Kendahl D'Uva and RRR Black Rose 402-D
Sunny Martin Youth Scholarship Award- Kendahl D'Uva
Grand Champion Adult Western Dressage- Chrisinda Grant and CNC Orion Stargazer 1239-D
Grand Champion Adult Western and English Pleasure- Chrisinda Grant and CNC Orion Stargazer 1239-D
Andrea Schaap Adult Scholarship- shared Chrisinda Grand and Sheryl D'Uva
Grand Champion Youth Rider- Kendahl D'Uva and RRR Black Rose 402-D & Warrior's Spiced Dunzule 1509-D
Sunny Martin Scholarship Award- Kendahl D'Uva
Grand Champion Adult Western Dressage- Chrisinda Grant and CNC Orion Stargazer 1239-D
Grand Champion Adult Western- Chrisinda Grant and CNC Orion Stargazer 1239-D
Grand Champion Adult Eventing- Liz Mattke and DCC Traveler 142-D
Reserve Champion Adult Amateur Eventing- Chrisinda Grant and CNC Orion Stargazer 1239-D
Breed Promotion Award- Dr Mitch Wilkinson
Andrea Schaap Adult Scholarship- shared Chrisinda Grant & Sheryl D'Uva
Grand Champion Eventing- Liz Mattke #397 and DCC Traveler 142-D
Grand Champion Adult Amateur Dressage- Anastasia Ivanusic #669 and CNC Joseph King of Dreams 1088-D
Reserve Champion Adult Amateur Dressage- Shelly White #109 and Shesa Magic Charm 993-D
Champion Youth Rider Kendahl D'Uva Jr# 650 and RRR Black Rose 402-D
Andrea Schaap Adult Scholarship Winner- Liz Mattke
Sunny Martin Youth Scholarship Winner- Kendahl D'Uva
Adult Dressage First level Champion is Jenny Feuquay ICHO# 537 riding GF Spar Larka #124-D with total points of 174
Youth Champion in English classes is Kendahl D’Uva ICHO Jr# 650 riding RRR Black Rose #402-D with a total points of 168
Sandman’s Serenade #1079-D ridden by Shelly White ICHO# 109 Endurance Champion with total points of 45
Sandman’s Serenade #1079-D ridden by Shelly White ICHO# 109 Jumping Reserve Champion with total points of 5
Shesa Magic Charm # 993-D ridden by Anastasia Ivanusic ICHO# 669 Endurance Reserve Champion with total points of 40
Shesa Magic Charm #993-D ridden by Anastasia Ivanusic ICHO# 669 Jumping Champion with total points of 15
Winner of the Sunny Martin Scholarship is Kendahl D’Uva
Elektra 2010 High Point Sporthorse- Zoe Lirakis on her horse, OYY Elektra, born, bred and trained at TOP O' THE HILL FARM in Vermont.
2010 High Point Training Level Dressage. Zoe Lirakis and OYY Elektra
2010 Breed Promotion Shelly White
ICHO wants to congratulate and acknowledge the 2008 seasonal Award winners. We are appreciative of all the hard work, money, time and good judgment expended by these winners. You are essential in helping us promote our vision of the curly horse.
Our Thanks and Awards go to:
Carrie Freeland in conjunction with Marvin Woodke - Breed Promotion Award
Bobbi Vander Heyden - Sunny Martin Memorial Young Rider Award
Carrie Freeland - Western Rider High Point
Bobbi Vander Heyden - English high Point
Our recipients expressed great delight in the fine quality of the halters and bridles they received along with their certificates of excellence. The colorful show grooming hang bag was appreciated by Bobbi for her Sunny Martin High point Youth award. Erin Whitney received one as well for her 2007 win. Their names will be entered on brass plates on the perpetual Sunny Martin Memorial Trophy.
Congratulations to Erin Whitney, our Youth Rider of the Year, 2007!
Erin and her horse Just By Chance NACHR#979-D racked up 107 total points, all earned at the Central States Curly Show in Missouri. They entered a variety of classes in English and Western, as well as fun classes. Erin came home with the English, Western and Overall Highpoint Champion for youth! ICHO thanks Erin (well, actually her mom!) for entering the ICHO Show Point program. Without those to participate we have no one to congratulate for their success with their Curly Horses! We really appreciate your efforts and know it takes a lot to reach this point in your horsemanship journey. Way to go Erin!