PAY Online for all your ICHO services. Click on each photo below that denotes your payment needs. ICHO NACHR Other Fees covers fees other than Registration and Transfer, Late Stallion Report, Certificate Change, Association Seal, submit other lab DNA report, etc.. Add all items to your cart first, then check out, write the name of the horse the service is for when checking out. Thank you!
e-File Registration-Reg, DNA, e-File Photos
1 Curly Coat Gene Test- KRT25 or SP6
Both Curly Coats Genes- KRT25 & SP6 Test
Genetic DNA Panel
Pro Panel- (Genetic Panel Plus)
ICHO/NACHR StudBooks - non members
Misc Fees
ICHO Research Donation
Non Member Fee
ICHO Donation
Research Gene/s Isolation
ICHO Curly Friend
Curly Mustang Donation
Curly Pony Application FEE
Curly Miniature Application FEE
Virtual Show 1st Class Fee
Additional Classes Entrance Fee
Virtual FUN Show Entry Fee
SACHF ICHO membership
AGM Guest Fee
Genomic Inbreeding Value
Etalon Ancestry & GIV%